Monday, May 28, 2007

Hebrews 11, 'Faith'.

As I ponder faith, 'being sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you do not see', I am drawn towards the 'unseen' part of faith. I normally have no trouble having faith in the 'sure' and 'certain' area. I fI ma told or read or sense that someting is to be true then it is easy for me to have assurance about it. But it is the unseen that I have trouble with. Knowing what is unseen or keeping the unseen in teh foreground of my daily life, that is a struggle for me. I have alot of faith in the less visible prts of the things that I easily see, but I don not do as good of a job at the things that are truly unseen. I can have faith that our house will sell because everyday we clean it and live in it, so we 'see' it and I can have faith that it will sell. I can see everyday my wife's belly getting bigger and so I can have faith that our baby is growing and that God is prpareing us to be parents. But I forget about other things that I maybe should have faith in. I need to have more faith in the fact that God is at work where I am not. Lord please increase my faith and help me to have faith where I do not see.

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