Saturday, September 03, 2005

Struggling with Lordship

Often in contemporary evangelical theology we talk about Being Saved, or coming to know Jesus. This is a glorious and miraculous grace that we are given, but there is also an aspect of a relationship with God that is over looked, Lordship. This can sometimes be a pet issue for me ever since I read Bonhoeffer and was enlightened to the Idea of 'cheap grace'. So, to whatever degree I understand that there is more to a Life with Christ than allowing Him to save me from Hell. But, as much as I understand this, I would say that this probably, like most (maybe all) honest Christians is one of my greatest struggles.
As of late, this struggle has been somewhat hidden. As, I go through seminary and ministry, I am obviously very conscious of me need to be an example. I will constantly throughout my life be in a position to set the standard for many people. ( or at least set A standard) As I read through Philippians this morning, the living Word revealed itself, not necessarily a new way, but in a reminding way. The text reads as follows:

2:3 Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
2:4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

I would have to admit that sometimes, to my own despise, I do some of the things that I know I am 'supposed' to do, just because I know that people area watching. This is shameful for me to think about. I know that sometimes in the heat of this spiritual battle of Life it is acceptable to continue on in righteous action in the absence of the proper 'feeling' or desire. But I would say that it is even at times of laziness. But I furthermore need the Spirit of God to continue to renew my heart and my mind. I must put the interest of other above my own. For that is at least a sign of having been truly crucified in Christ. The Text goes on to give the example of Christ himself, who did not see the importance of keeping the divine status as important as the needs of people.
Lord, let my attitude be that of Christ Jesus himself. May I be emptied of all that I have tried to create in myself and be lead by nothing but the desires and interests of Your will and those you have put around me. For it is the beauty of your will and plan that I seek to see unfold. Praise be to my God and Savior whose selflessness is my example......

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